7 Day

Week of May 6th Fitness Schedule

Protocol Authors

This protocol is designed to provide a test of the calendar features, and maintain my fitness routine.

  • Free Total price
  • 12 participants
  • 7 Days Duration
  • $0.00 Total price
  • 12 participants
  • 7 Days Duration
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A Note from the Protocol Team

Matthew Amsden

Just for me.

A combination of Weight Lifting, stretching, yoga, and cardio. As part of this, I want to get into the elite cardio category. Also, key goal is to do this between 6 and 8AM so that I can get on with my day.

Protocol Guide & Schedule

Step-by-step coaching to start and maintain your protocol activities, all arranged around your busy day with automated scheduling.

Monday: Legs

Tuesday Upper Body

Wednesday: Recovery

The Fix Yoga

60 minutes @ early morning 6am 8am

20 Minute Stretch

20 minutes @ late evening 8pm 11pm

Thursday: Upper Body

20 Minute Hip Hop Run

20 minutes @ early morning 6am 8am

Chest Push 30 Minutes

30 minutes @ early morning 6am 8am

Upper Body

20 minutes @ early morning 6am 8am

Hip Flexibility

18 minutes @ late evening 8pm 11pm

Friday: Lower Body

Lower Body & Core

32 minutes @ early morning 6am 8am

Adrian 20 Minutes Legs

20 minutes @ early morning 6am 8am

Saturday: Run, Core & Shoulders

Intervals Run

45 minutes @ morning 8am 11:59am

Sunday: Rest